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Dengue breeding sites: Legal action filed

29 Jun 2020

By Sarah Hannan The National Dengue Control Unit (NDCU) during their recent eradication programmes detected 22% of the construction sites across the country as breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito, with 4% of households across the country too being recognised as breeding sites. "All sites that housed mosquito breeding sites have been recorded. Since we repeatedly advise the public to keep their household and construction environments clean, the detected households and construction sites were subjected to legal action," NDCU Director Dr. Anura Jayasekara told The Morning. With the southwestern monsoon now in effect, the number of dengue cases reported islandwide have seen a sharp increase. From 1 January 2020 until 26 June 2020, the total number of dengue cases recorded by the Epidemiology Unit stood at 21,649, while the highest number of cases reported within a month was recorded in January at 11,595.

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