The Kurunegala Mayor told media today that the 13th Century building believed to be the King’s Court of King Buwanekabahu II in Kurunegala was merely a modern day prostitution, and abortion centre.
He said he was prepared to face any punishment provided that anyone could prove that the building was built during King Buwanekabahu's era.
The Mayor further pointed out that the building was built with modern day raw materials.
Earlier in the week, media reports indicated that the building in question was recognized as an archaeological site and that the Department of Archaeology had scheduled excavation and preservation work to commence on 16 July.
However, it was reported that on 15 July that the Road Development Authority (RDA) without seeking approval from the Department of Archaeology had demolished the building using a bulldozer.
The Kurunegala Mayor told the media that the RDA had permitted the demolition of the building to widen a road running through the area. The Mayor however, had not obtained approval from the Archaeology Department.
RDA demolishing the potential archaeological site is seen as a violation of the Antiquities Ordinance. It was also reported that the Mayor of Kurunegala, along with the officials from the RDA, is charged with bulldozing the entire building for a road development project. Prof. Dissanayake said the Department of Archaeology had filed a complaint with the Kurunegala Police regarding the demolition of a part of the Court on 6 July.
King's Court demolition: Mayor claims building was a prostitution, abortion centre
21 Jul 2020
King's Court demolition: Mayor claims building was a prostitution, abortion centre
21 Jul 2020