The National Blood Transfusion Service has called for blood donations from the public on concerns of an impeding blood shortage.
90% of the national blood requirement is being fulfilled by community based blood campaigns.
However, with the coronairus outbreak in the country, community gatherings have been restricted and the National Blood Transfusion Service is unable to collect blood from the community.
The National Blood Transfusion Service has therefore called for in-house donations to maintain the required stock of blood.
The blood bank said if the situation aggravates it will visit donors from door to door.
To ensure the safety of blood donors, the National Blood Transfusion Services has introduced an appointment system to prevent overcrowding.
Please contact the following hotlines for appointment.
0115 332 153 and 01125332154
Individual with the below conditions advised to refrain from donating blood;
• Had symptoms like fever, cough and respiratory difficulties during the past one month
• Has a family member currently having fever, cough and respiratory difficulties
• Had close contact with a person who travelled overseas during the past one month
• Had travelled overseas during past three months.
National Blood Bank calls for blood donations from public
19 Mar 2020
National Blood Bank calls for blood donations from public
19 Mar 2020