During the event, under the Made in Sri Lanka loans programme, entrepreneurs were presented with Aswenna, Vanitha Saviya, Business Power, and Covid-19 capital loans. Additionally, an exhibition was made by the entrepreneurs of the People’s Bank Microfinance Village comprising Polathugoda, Pathumgama, Batuwita, Kahagala South and Kahagala.
A corporate social responsibility project of the bank which involved the handing over of books to the library of the Kahagala South Microfinance Village took place and the children of the entrepreneurs entertained the audience through their various song and dance routines.
Central Bank of Sri Lanka Matara Regional Manager W.H. Mahesh Kumara, Industrial Development Board Director General P.L.U. Rathnamalala, and Deputy Director (Matara) O.G.S. Perera, People’s Bank Deputy General Manager (Enterprise Banking) Krishani Narangoda, AGM (SME) Wickrama Narayana, Regional Manager (Matara) I.K. Indika, Senior Manager (Regional Loans Division) Nilmini Gunawardena, Assistant Regional Manager Sujith Kumarasinghe, Senior Legal Officer T.N. Rupasinghe, Kamburupitiya Branch Manager R. Gayan Padma, and Hakmana Branch Manager W.B.M.R. Weerarathne, together with bank officials, government officials, and a large number of entrepreneurs took part in the event.
The Made in Sri Lanka loans programme has been launched to boost the development of local industries, promote export-oriented industries, promote import substitute industries, enhance quality of local products, increase self-employment opportunities for locals and drive regional development, the bank said. The IDB will provide these projects with the necessary technical and managerial support while People’s Bank will provide specialised financial support to ensure sustainability of their businesses.