By Skandha Gunasekara
The Election Commission (EC) said that the Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) would not refrain from assisting on election day.
EC Director General Saman Sri Rathnayake said the PHI unions had assured they would not obstruct the election process.
“They will help us in their duties on election day. They indicated this during our discussions,” he said.
He also said that he didn’t believe that the PHIs would go ahead with the strike.
“During our discussions, it appeared that they wouldn’t conduct the strike. Regardless, their issue has nothing to do with the election or the Election Commission, so I don’t think it will be an issue,” he said.
In the event the strike does happen, the EC would address the issue at that time.
“There’s no point jumping the gun now before the strike has even happened. We will think of it if and when it happens,” he said.
PHIs have begun refraining from engaging in any Covid-19-related activities in protest of the recently issued Gazette Notification on the Covid-19 health guidelines.
PHIs to assist EC on election day: Despite ongoing TU action
22 Jul 2020
PHIs to assist EC on election day: Despite ongoing TU action
22 Jul 2020