Army Commander Shavendra Silva today stated that measures are being taken to bring down all expatriates into the country despite the false reports circulating on social media sites.
“There are allegations levelled against the government on social media and some of them say expatriates are suffering in foreign countries without being able to return to Sri Lanka. We understand their discomfort and we have already taken measures to bring them down in groups,” he stated.
He said that the Army was first informed that only 45,000 expatriates are awaiting return to the country and they had made arrangements for them to return to Sri Lanka. But it was later revealed that 93,655 people were waiting to return to the country.
“We should keep in mind that we can only bring down a limited amount of people at once due to the space constrictions in quarantine centers. Whoever we bring down to the country must enter mandatory 14-day quarantine. Therefore, the government is taking all necessary steps while paying attention to health guidelines," he said.
He further stated that 674 expatraites from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Maldives were brought to Sri Lanka yesterday and a similar amount is to be brought down today as well,
Plans underway to bring all expatriates to Sri Lanka
15 Feb 2021
Plans underway to bring all expatriates to Sri Lanka
15 Feb 2021