3-Wheelers slam Kanchana’s Police registration plan
07 Sep 2022
3-Wheelers slam Kanchana’s Police registration plan
07 Sep 2022
Claims NTC yet to act on additional fuel quota for 15,000 metered tuks
BY Rebecca PaveyThe All Island Three-Wheelers’ Association has shot down Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera’s request that all three-wheeler drivers register themselves at the nearest Police station for the purpose of the easy identification of full-time three-wheeler drivers.Speaking to The Morning, Association President Lalith Dharmasekara said that despite Wijesekera’s request, no such system is in place. “Even now, there is no such system in place. Wijesekera says that it will make the identification process easier, but this is not true, as it is just a mere registration that takes place. Even if such an identification system is implemented, there will be no difference between registered and unregistered drivers. The hires we run now are dependent on the bribes that we give to those working at fuelling stations and the extra fuel stocks that certain car owners allow us to have by giving us their quick response (QR) codes,” he charged.“We are requesting for an increase of five litres only. This is for our normal three-wheeler drivers. For those who run hires with meters, we do not mind them getting an additional amount. In fact, we have even provided the National Transport Commission (NTC) with a list of 15,000 such drivers, but they have not done anything about it. These people and their lies will not get rid of the poverty currently reigning in Sri Lanka, and instead it will only get rid of the poor man.”Speaking in Parliament yesterday (6), Wijesekera addressed the recent demands made by three-wheeler drivers and their unions for an increase in the weekly fuel quota that is being provided. Wijesekera noted that while it is difficult to provide a higher allocation owing to Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange crisis, they are considering increasing fuel quotas for full-time three-wheeler drivers who register themselves at their local Police stations.