The Samurdhi Arunalu Livelihood Development Program was launched recently with the aim of strengthening Sri Lanka’s rural economy.
Speaking at a media briefing on the "Samurdhi Arunalu" programme held at the Samurdhi State Ministry auditorium today (19), Shehan Semasinghe, State Minister of Samurdhi, Home Economy, Microfinance, Self-Employment and Business Development said that Samurdhi officers have selected the beneficiaries for the first phase of this program which is currently being implemented covering all 25 districts islandwide.
“Financial assistance of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 100,000 will be provided to each of these selected families along with the necessary facilities to obtain the equipment they need. Through this, we hope to economically strengthen 200,000 Samurdhi families, low income families, as well as 200,000 families who are interested in developing their skills,” he said.
The Minister further detailed that value added projects and services related to traditional and home based industries, agricultural products, animal husbandry, fisheries and other products can also be involved in this programme.
Semasinghe also revealed that many people do not want to be financially empowered by these programmes because of the loss of social security benefits. However, he assured that through the Samurdhi Arunalu facility, such benefits will not be taken away from the beneficiaries.
Secretary to the Ministry of Neil Bandara Hapuhinna and Director General Bandula Thilakasiri were also present on the occasion.
400k Samurdhi and low income families to receive financial assistance
19 Aug 2021
400k Samurdhi and low income families to receive financial assistance
19 Aug 2021