Investigators from the Kandana Police station arrested two suspects on Saturday (14) night, following a complaint received via the 118 hotline that a young woman was assaulted by two persons at a commercial property on Aniyakanda Road, Nagoda.
The incident – which has been captured on CCTV recordings of the commercial property – had been widely shared on social media causing a public uproar due to the inhuman nature of the assault. According to the Police, the victim, a relative of the suspect, had been employed at the commercial property – which was being used as the physical dispatch location for an online shopping site – when the incident occurred.
Both suspects are 36 years of age and are husband and wife, residents of Nagoda, Kandana, the Police said. The suspects are likely to be produced before a Magistrate today (16). The Kandana Police has recorded a statement from the victim, and investigations are continuing.