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Bad habits die hard

Bad habits die hard

12 Jan 2024

A bunch of parliamentarians from the Sri Lanka Podujana Party (SLPP) including the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa are in hot water again for what is suspected to be the return of extravagant parties, which were a hallmark of the Rajapaksa era. This time allegations are galore about the alleged party cruise, aboard two vessels which are registered to the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA).

The Government and the SLPA have denied the allegation. 

But the fact that a group of politicians, in a country which has declared bankruptcy, sought foreign assistance to stay afloat and asked the public to tighten their belts further, decided to use State-owned vessels for a “good time” on the waters, while most parents are struggling to send their children to school and feed them three meals a day, clearly underscores the hypocrisy of the ruling class in Sri Lanka. It is however, ironic that instead of a yacht, the group of politicians and their entourage decided to party on two vessels which are used to dredge sand and sediment from the sea bed. The party, said to have been facilitated by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) as per a request made by the Ports, Shipping and Aviation State Minister Premalal Jayasekara from the SLPA, was held on Tuesday (9) within the Colombo Port area, it is learned.      

Yesterday, questions about the sea going political drama heated up in Parliament, where Opposition and Government MP’s traded allegations about the expense and waste of taxpayer funds. The Opposition Leader charged that the MP’s who rode the dredgers were sipping whiskey and dining and entertained onboard. Addressing a press conference on the issue, Jayasekara denied the allegations, telling the press that the event was organised because MPs had made a request to observe the activities of the Colombo Port, and that MPs from Opposition parties such as Vijitha Herath from the National People’s Power and Ranjith Maddumabandara from the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) had also been invited. The Minister claimed that there was no party, and that he paid for the meals provided, from his pocket. The SLPA who were quick to point out that the operation did cost the state institution, conveniently forgot to mention that the fuel for SLPA operations comes from state revenue.

Port Trade Unions who leaked footage of the “MP’s cruise” stated that they were going to write to the President to complain about such extravagance.  It is unlikely that the president will pay attention to such complaints as he is quite busy making preparations for next month’s Independence Day, which is expected to draw several foreign heads of States and key officials. Whether Sri Lanka can afford such extravagant independence celebrations in this period of austerity, is bound to cause a robust debate. The same issue came up last year, when the President held it with military pomp and pageantry.

The return to such extravagance by Members of Parliament will do little to ease the pain and suffering the common man faces today. It will also be recognised by the public as another instance of the political class making merry while the taxpayers suffer. It will also signal to the public that the Government is not serious about reducing state expenditure, and is only focused on increasing state revenue. The disdain of the public towards the state apparatus and the political culture will continue to grow with such events drawing the ire of the taxpayer.  

If the Government wants to achieve fiscal discipline, improve state revenue and widen the tax base, it must lead by example. The Port cruise affair will do nothing to help motivate the public to endure more austerity and regulations, if they continue to see the political elite squander their hard-earned tax rupees.  


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