- 2,000 children diagnosed annually, experts urge premarital blood test
Everyone in Sri Lanka must do a very simple blood test to find out whether they are a Thalassemia carrier before marriage as approximately 2,000 children are diagnosed with thalassemia annually, the Health Promotion Bureau (HPB) claimed.
Professor of Pediatrics at the Medical Faculty of the Kelaniya University, Sachith Mettananda emphasised that Sri Lanka is a failed State in terms of preventing Thalassemia. Speaking to the media yesterday (10) on increasing awareness about Thalassemia carriers he further pointed out that everyone in Sri Lanka must do a very simple blood test to find out whether they are a Thalassemia carrier before marriage.
“Thalassemia is a genetic condition caused by a deficiency in the production of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Approximately 3% of Thalassemia carriers in Sri Lanka have been revealed. Sri Lanka is also at the forefront among the countries with a lot of Thalassemia cases. Other countries have been able to prevent the occurrence of Thalassemia among the people. But, Sri Lanka has not been able to achieve such a positive situation.”
Approximately 2,000 children are diagnosed with Thalassemia annually in Sri Lanka. A marriage between two Thalassemia carriers may result in children with Beta Thalassemia Major symptoms.
Speaking to The Daily Morning yesterday (10), Prof. Mettananda said that there is no Alpha Thalassemia in Sri Lanka, but that we mostly have Beta Thalassemia.
“Due to the myths about Thalassemia, many people are tempted to hide the fact that they are a Thalassemia carrier during marriage”.
“We can easily recognise a Thalassemia child within six months, as the symptoms are weight loss, feeding problems, pale skin, and an enlarged abdomen.”
He explained that the indifference shown by all responsible people in Sri Lanka as well as the public in preventing this disease is the main cause for Sri Lanka becoming a failed country in terms of preventing Thalassemia.