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Camping on Panama beach

02 Apr 2021

If you are on a budget and are looking to get out of Colombo for a couple of days, a camping trip is an ideal option. Of course, it would be drastically different from a hotel stay, and if creature comforts are what you are looking for on vacation, then maybe look elsewhere. However, for those who are willing to undergo an entirely different experience, this could be it. Out of the many camping trips we’ve been on, some of the best experiences have been from occasions where we camped on the beach, particularly our trip to Panama beach. Situated in the Ampara District, Panama is about 400 km from Colombo, and if you are taking the bus, we would definitely recommend you start your journey the night before. If you’re lucky, you’ll get your eight hours of sleep on the way and wake up fresh and ready to set up camp. Panama is a perfect travel destination considering how close it is to some of the travel hotspots in Sri Lanka – it is only 12 km south of Arugam Bay, and southwards from Panama starts the Kumana Bird Sanctuary and Heritage Park, where visitors often opt to go on a safari. Camping on a beach is almost entirely different to camping anywhere else. The terrain is not exactly tent-friendly, with the soft beach sand not doing much for securing a tent. There isn’t a lot of natural shelter to be found either, exposing you to the elements at all times. And, of course, the most difficult challenge of all is the lack of clean water. It’s quite ironic how camping next to the largest possible water body there is has you struggling to find clean water. Unfortunately, salt water is pretty much useless for that purpose and you will have to carry with you quite a lot of bottles of water to survive your trip. Between the sun, wind, and salty ocean air, it is easy to get dehydrated quickly. Thankfully, with Panama beach being such a popular camping spot, there happens to be a concrete foundation set up right on the beach where campers can set up their tents, and this platform really comes in handy when it rains or if you’re looking to light a fire anywhere other than on the wet sand. Considering our luck, the first day in Panama was a rainy disaster; from the time we stopped to visit the Arugam Bay beach on the way, the rain followed us through Pottuvil, all the way to our first night on Panama beach. Even a warm, sunny day on the beach can turn chilly in the evening, as cool, wet air from the ocean rolls off the sea. When it rains, it gets unbearably cold on the beach, so it is certainly advisable that you always pack layers. Campers often make the mistake of not packing a jacket with them when they decide they’ll be camping on a beach. Nevertheless, the morning after a rainstorm is always the most beautiful, and our first morning in Panama was no different. Despite having shivered through the night, when morning came, it all felt worth it. The early morning is always a perfect time to watch the ocean. On Panama beach is a massive cluster of rocks which you can climb quite high up on to a better vantage point, and once you get a quick fire going, to boil some water so you’ve got a warm cup of coffee in hand, there’s really nothing better than watching the ocean. During our trip, we chose to simply laze around on the beach instead of visiting Kumana, which is about one-and-a-half hours from the beach. But if you are a birdwatcher or a safari enthusiast, then Kumana is an easy enough trip down and you can make it back in time to catch the sunset.   PHOTOS Sinbad’s Travels

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