Easter Sunday attacks PCoI report: Comm. led by Archbishop studying report
07 Mar 2021
Easter Sunday attacks PCoI report: Comm. led by Archbishop studying report
07 Mar 2021
Black Sunday today
The committee appointed by the Archbishop of Colombo Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith to study the report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCoI) into the Easter Sunday terror attacks, is studying it at present, the Cardinal's Spokesman, Rev. Fr. Camillus Fernando, said. "I cannot make further comments, as there's no other update. The report was given to the Archbishop of Colombo. He has appointed a committee and the report is being studied,” he told The Sunday Morning. Earlier this week, the Cardinal announced that the report would be subjected to a thorough study by a committee headed by himself and consisting of assistant bishops, reverend fathers, and several specialists. "An official statement on our conclusions will be announced immediately after the study. Various comments have been made over the PCoI report, but we are unable to come up with a conclusive stance on it at this moment until the report has been studied thoroughly," he further said. However, the Cardinal had said that they have doubts as to whether the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) have conducted proper investigations into the bombings on 21 April 2019. “These institutions, it seems, have not done anything to frame the masterminds of the Easter attacks.”Meanwhile, the Cardinal announced that 7 March has been declared a “Black Sunday” and that they would conduct a peaceful protest against the lack of justice for the victims of the Easter attacks. Catholic devotees were requested to dress in black and attend mass on that day. “If we feel that a transparent investigation has not been launched into the attacks, not only will we request the people to wear black but we will also request them to hoist a black flag on 21 April,” the Cardinal stated.