Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Additional General Manager (Corporate Strategy) Eng. (Dr) D.C.R. Abeysekara will be appointed General Manager (GM) of the CEB with effect from 13 January 2022, as per a circular issued by the Ministry of Power.
Accordingly, he will replace Eng. M.R. Ranatunga, who currently holds the post, and who was scheduled to retire on 12 January 2022. However, last November, Eng. Ranatunga was accused by the CEB Employees’ Union (CEBEU) of having violated procedure regarding the Yugadanavi Power Plant deal, and of having approved the sudden transfer of CEB Additional General Manager (AGM) – Transmission Eng. G.J. Aluthge, a key figure in making decisions with regard to the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the country, to stifle opposition to the said deal.
In a letter addressed to the CEB management at the time, the CEBEU had stated: “By taking further steps in violation of the established rules in the CEB, which also adversely affects our individual members, you (a reference to Eng. Ranatunga) have extended your conduct to a level that we cannot tolerate any further. It appears that you are merely acting under the dictation of the CEB Board, probably to please the present Chairman M.M.C. Ferdinando, to secure any benefit beyond your scheduled retirement on 12 January 2022.”
Engineer D.C.R. Abeysekara to be made CEB GM after 13 January
05 Jan 2022
Engineer D.C.R. Abeysekara to be made CEB GM after 13 January
05 Jan 2022