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FUTA condemns Government’s approach to teacher-principal struggle

19 Oct 2021

The Federation of University Associations (FUTA) condemned the Government’s approach to the protests staged by teachers’ and principals’ trade unions, as stated in a press release issued on Sunday (17). The organisation stated that it “observes with dismay the deepening crisis of the teacher-principal trade union struggle”, which it noted “threatens to jeopardise the entire primary and secondary education sectors of the country”. FUTA further stated: “At the moment, the Government is attempting to undermine the teacher-principal struggle through strong-arm tactics and insincere mediations by disingenuous third parties. We are appalled at the comments made by the Public Security Minister essentially threatening teachers and principals engaged in a democratic struggle to win their just demands. This particular minister seems to have scant regard for democratic norms and appears to believe that Public Security equates to the use of sledgehammer tactics to force people to conform.” We also observe with grave disappointment how the Government is using insincere third-party mediators who are attempting to dilute and undermine the teacher-principal struggle. Essentially, the Government’s approach seems to be a good-cop bad-cop routine with dishonest discussion on one end, and the use of threats and intimidation on the other end, when the teacher-principals unions refuse to buy into the half-baked solutions on offer.” FUTA noted that it underwent a similar struggle in 2012 in attempting to secure a larger allocation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to uplift the education sector, adding: “If the Government takes a short-sighted view of the current struggle by teachers and principals and attempts to quash it without offering a decent and acceptable solution, it will sound the death-knell for Sri Lanka’s proud history of public education.” Reiterating that the incumbent Government was supported by teachers in coming to power, FUTA called upon it to “respond with sensitivity and understanding to a historic trade union struggle that almost every segment of Sri Lankan society recognises as just”. “We call upon the Government to immediately cease from trying to threaten and trick teachers and principals and enter into a productive negotiation and offer a just and equitable solution to their long-standing professional demands,” it concluded.

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