The Aragalaya fighters who are currently camped out at the Galle Face Green claim that they have no political agenda or a particular affiliation to a political party.
Speaking at a media brief recently, a founding member of Gotagogama, Senadhi Guruge said that many are trying to gain credit for being an 'Aragalaya fighter' at Gotagogama.
"Many people including politicians, celebrities, actors and social media influencers are claiming to be part of the Aragalaya and pioneers of Gotagogama. As much as they are needed, the struggle remains with the common people. We have people with all straits of life, even drugs addicts. These people are fighting for their rights as human beings and trying to beind freedom to our land, " said Gamage.
He further added that everyone is welcome to join the Aragalaya, and the support of popular names is much appreciated as well.
Gotagogama protesters deny claims of political affiliation
21 May 2022
Gotagogama protesters deny claims of political affiliation
21 May 2022