By Mahika Panditha
If you are not already on TikTok, what are you doing? There is an abundance of brilliant content being shared on the platform, and I am pleased to have had a small chat with Dimithri Wijesinghe. You may know her as @justmesrilankan on TikTok. Dimithri is a lawyer who shares her experiences on TikTok; so much so that it feels like you are having a conversation with a friend. She is an avid camper, and loves to do any outdoor activity. I am in complete awe of the talented creators we have out here, and Dimithri is one of the most unique creators that I have seen. She never fails to make me laugh, so definitely do check out her stuff on TikTok. “I would also be remiss to go without mentioning everyone who engages and watches my content; my audience, to whom I am eternally grateful. Thank you so very much for giving me your time and attention, however brief it may be. Your existence has made my experience that much better,” Dimithri shared with Happinez. Check out our conversation with her.
Hey, Dimithri! Before we get into it, please tell our readers a little about yourself.
I’m a lawyer who spends way too much time on TikTok and not nearly enough time “lawyer-ing”. I make storytelling videos on TikTok; I try to share my life’s experiences, my travel stories from before lockdown where I would go hiking and camping almost religiously, and a few random topics that interest me sprinkled here and there.
I am incredibly obsessive, which has made it easy for me to create content while also taking away any semblance of maintaining a normal sleep cycle or other healthy practices humans must engage in to survive.
I have to also say that I absolutely love TikTok. I love the people on it. Every single creator, regardless of what they post, is so incredibly brave for taking their skills, talent, interest, and then putting it out there for the world to see. It is not easy to share ourselves with the world; for whatever reason if you are doing it, then that makes you quite amazing.
How did you start creating on TikTok?
I’ve only been making content on the platform for a few months now. I started during the most recent lockdown.
I actually have a story I tell on TikTok about why I started making videos. My best friend decided to go ahead and get herself a boyfriend, which had her occupied and left me with a whole lot of time on my hands. All of the complaining I did to her was transferred to my unfortunate audience online. I’m half joking when I say it, but there’s some truth there, so I’m going to stick with this story.
What inspires your content?
Like I said before, I started because I suddenly had a lot of free time and I’m sort of a talker. I talk a lot! And if you’ve seen my content, it’s really just a one-sided conversation and a lot of complaining. So you could say that everyday life is what inspires me. My content isn’t particularly creative, but I believe it is relatable.
What has been one of the biggest challenges you have faced since starting TikTok and how did you overcome it?
With regards to content creation, there’s not been that many challenges. Probably because I’ve only been on the platform for such a short period of time. Although it does get difficult to remain engaged with your audience while also maintaining a healthy relationship with social media and how much time you spend on the app.
What has been your favourite memory of meeting other TikTok personalities so far?
So far, because we just very recently got out of the lockdown and I started making content during it, I haven’t had the chance to meet with that many creators yet. Although I have interacted with so many wonderful people online. It’s something that was really endearing to experience, the community on the app is quite incredible. Creators are, for the most part, very supportive of each other, which has been great.
What is your dream collab?
That is an impossible question, but practically just about anyone who is another creator is my ideal collab. Anyone with an audience, creating content similar to mine. Although because my content is largely storytelling, and it’s just me, alone, in my bedroom (as sad as that sounds), I’m just comfortable that way. So, I don’t even know how I would be able to create collaborative content, but I am certainly open to it. So, if anyone is interested, hit me up.
Could you tell us the story or meaning behind your social media handles; “@justmesrilankan”?
It is actually pretty random. It was born out of a lie. I, for some reason, told a girl in my school that I had a YouTube channel and that I had several videos that were going to go live in a few months’ time. I don’t even know why I said it, I think I was trying to make some kind of point. Anyway, she of course asked me what the channel was called and I came up with “justmesrilankan” on the fly. Quite literally it was just off the top of my head, it has absolutely no deeper meaning beyond that.
After I told her, I went home and created a bunch of socials under that name, and here we are, over a decade later.
Aside from creating on TikTok, what do you enjoy doing?
I tend to get obsessed with things very easily, so I have many interests that I love deeply and passionately for short bursts of time. I do a lot of research and watch a lot of documentaries about random topics. Much of this is really just for me, and I don’t like sharing that sort of thing with anyone. But, for the sake of the question, I’d say I’m really quite interested in – and this may sound totally out of left field – but I am really interested in pickling! Like the anaerobic fermentation of food? I’ve been learning about the many ways we can ferment and also preserve food. I’ve made kombucha, pickled an ungodly amount of vegetables, it’s been fun.
Any advice for people who would like to start creating on TikTok?
I’d say just go for it. I know this will have a lot of people rolling their eyes; “oh how original”. But really, how will you know if you’re going to be good at something if you don’t try it first? And don’t do it half-heartedly, you have to commit. See it all the way through.
This is actually my bio on TikTok as well, and it’s pretty much what I live by. You may have noticed with my obsessive tendencies, I am “all in, all the time”, and it’s worked out for me so far. There’s really no reason why it won’t work out for you as well.
Photos Pradeep Dambarage
Lawyer, storyteller, the face of your FYP: Dimithri Wijesinghe
28 Nov 2021
Lawyer, storyteller, the face of your FYP: Dimithri Wijesinghe
28 Nov 2021