BY Dinitha RathnayakeAround 10 persons in Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) administrative areas are testing positive for Covid-19 on a daily basis, according to the PHIs Union Secretary Mahendra Balasooriya. Speaking to The Morning, he said that the current condition is critical as the Covid-19 pandemic situation has gotten out of hand. “Most of the Covid-19 positive cases are being reported from Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara in the Western Province, Kurunegala and Puttalam in the North Western/Wayamba Province, and Galle and Matara in the Southern Province, and the numbers keep increasing. In my area, 22 test positive for Covid-19 per day. I don’t think that the actual numbers are being exposed by the Government,” he claimed. According to Balasooriya, they are unable to find the sources or the second or third contacts since the virus is spreading rapidly. “If a person tests negative in one place, at least two first contacts from the same place are found to be positive. How can we control this situation? Also, most of the PHIs are in a bad situation where they get around 200 phone calls daily and the public in turn blames the PHIs if they can’t be reached. The public should know that we are paying our phone bills on our own and we also have transport issues when it comes to reaching members of the public who need our help.” He also added that the majority of the Covid-19 patients are being treated at home since the capacity of hospitals is full. “Most of the time, people who are suffering from chronic diseases are also being treated at home. Hence, we have no other option but to guide them.”