A special circular has been issued by the Education Ministry regarding the commencement of the schools in the Western Province on March 29.
Ministry Secretary Prof. Kapila Perera has issued the circular addressing the Zonal Directors of Education, Divisional Directors of Education, Parivenadhipathi Theras and Principals.
Accordingly, all schools in the Western Province will be reopened on March 29, for the grades that have not been started so far.
Three days from tomorrow have been allocated to ensure that health facilities are in place at the schools to prevent spread of COVID-19.
It is further emphasized that it is not appropriate to direct children to exams and competitions as soon as school starts.
The circular said that the priority should be given to allow children to adapt to the school environment by conducting appropriate activities to improve their mental health.
It also includes a guide on how to conduct classes by maintaining social distancing.
Accordingly, classes with up to 15 students each should be held every day of the week. Students should be divided into two groups if the student capacity is between 16 to 30 and classes should be held one week apart. Classes with more than 30 students should be divided into three groups and classes should be held on an equal number of days.
Ministry issues special circular on reopening of schools
25 Mar 2021
Ministry issues special circular on reopening of schools
25 Mar 2021