The tense situation that arose in Negombo is reportedly now under control according to input from several residents, The Morning learns.
The residents also expressed great anger that elements with vested interests were seeking to create religious disharmony among the community and said they would not fall prey to these tactics again.
However, the Negombo Police says that officers have been deployed to the scene of the tensions, yet the situation has not been brought under control.
Earlier, tensions arose when a group allegedly backed by a politician from the area accused Muslim residents of destroying the Avenra Gardens and Grandeeza hotels.
While it was initially reported that racial tensions arose because of this, several live streams on social media detailed that no such racial tensions arose, as many residents were aware that an outside group caused the issue.
Negombo residents say situation under control
10 May 2022
Negombo residents say situation under control
10 May 2022