By Dinitha Rathnayake
The entomology team of the Medical Research Institute has discovered a new species of mosquito increasing the biodiversity of Sri Lanka. The mosquito species has been reported from the Mirigama and Kalutara areas of Sri Lanka.
Speaking to The Morning, Association of Health Entomology Officers National Organiser Disnaka Dissanayake said the species called culex (lephoceraomyia) cintellus has been reported from countries like Thailand and India.
“We are still carrying out research to see if this species of mosquito carries disease like malaria.”
In addition to this, the same group recently found the cx.sp near infula mosquito species belonging to the genus Culex.
The mosquito is very close to the mosquito species culex infula that transmits diseases such as encephalitis in India, and research is underway into whether or not the Sri Lankan variety is a similar carrier.
In recent times, health entomology officials have discovered three new mosquito species, while four more mosquito species have been confirmed in Sri Lanka and sent for genetic research.
“In recent times, with these new discoveries, there have been changes in the field of health and in the field of entomology,” said Dissanayake.
New mosquito species found in Sri Lanka
17 Oct 2022
New mosquito species found in Sri Lanka
17 Oct 2022