Over 120 divisional secretariats without a single national school
07 Sep 2020
Over 120 divisional secretariats without a single national school
07 Sep 2020
One national school per DS to be established
By Sarah HannanThe Task Force on Sri Lanka’s Education Affairs proposed that at least one national school should be established for each divisional secretariat (DS) under the 1,000 national schools programme.The decision was reached by the Task Force members after they found out that 124 divisional secretariats in Sri Lanka did not have national schools and that most national schools were established in urban areas.In December 2019, the Cabinet unanimously approved the proposal to increase the number of national schools to 1,000 in order to improve the quality of education afforded to the student population of the country which amounts to 4.2 million.Task Force member Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawarathne opined that at least one national school should be established for each DS.Rs. 78,834 million was allocated for school education by the Central Government for January-April this year, out of which Rs. 73,660 million was for recurrent expenditure and Rs. 5,174 million was for capital expenditure.Former Minister of Education Dullas Alahapperuma in December 2019 revealed that 124 DSs out of the 330 DSs did not even have even one national school and most of the national schools were located in urban areas of the said DSs.The initiative that was commenced by Alahapperuma is now being carried out by the Task Force on Sri Lanka’s Education Affairs. 655 schools were proposed to be upgraded to national schools just last month with the allocation of more funds.According to the School Census and Statistics Report of 2018 published by the Ministry of Education, out of the 10,175 schools in Sri Lanka, only 353 are national schools; the Western Province has the highest number of national schools at 72, while the North Central Province has the lowest at 10. Out of the student population of 4,214,772, only 839,116 are educated at national schools. Out of the teacher population of 247,334, only 39,176 teach at national schools.