Postmaster General Ranjith Ariyaratne said today that the strike launched by several postal unions is unjust.
He said five of their six requests have already been fulfilled. Postmaster General Ariyaratne pointed out that the remaining issues could be resolved through discussions.
Several postal unions launched a 24 hour sick leave token strike from midnight yesterday based on six demands including shortcomings in the recruitment system. Out of 34 postal unions, only six unions have joined the strike.
Postmaster General Ariyaratne says that this trade union action has been implemented in a background where all five of the six requests have been resolved following a discussion held with the Minister in charge of the subject on the 26th.
The Postmaster General said that about 90% of the people at the main post office had reported for duty today.
Postal strike unjust, five out of six requests fulfilled: Postmaster General
31 Mar 2021
Postal strike unjust, five out of six requests fulfilled: Postmaster General
31 Mar 2021