Out of the two sets of power generation machinery at the Sapugaskanda power plant, namely ‘A’ and ‘B’, only A side machinery is currently operational, The Morning learns.
Speaking to The Morning, Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Engineers Union Spokesperson Dhammika Wimalaratne said that this is because the furnace oil required to keep B side machinery operational has run out.
“We expected that the fuel supplies would come in before this happened. However, we received information a short while ago that we may receive fuel to restart B side machinery. However, for the time being, the machinery is not operational,” he said.
He also added that this development means that the plant is now operating at 50% capacity, with some units under maintenance as well.
“Around 50 to 60 megawatts of power generation is on hold,” Wimalaratne explained.
In terms of A side machinery, he revealed that adequate fuel is available to keep the machinery running until the 22nd of this month.
Sapugaskanda operating at 50% capacity due to lack of furnace oil
18 Jan 2022
Sapugaskanda operating at 50% capacity due to lack of furnace oil
18 Jan 2022