Sri Lanka’s country rankings
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* Sri Lanka, with two silver medals, are placed 114th in a list of 141 places in ‘the Complete Ranked Medals’, along with Serbia and Montenegro, and Tanzania
* In ‘the Combined Total of Medals’ list, Sri Lanka is placed 116th for their two silver medals, along with Serbia and Montenegro and Tanzania in a list containing a total number of 143 places
Sri Lanka’s participation in Summer Olympics:
* First participation: 1948 London
* Lowest number of athletes from Sri Lanka: Three for 1968 Mexico
* Highest number of athletes from Sri Lanka: 18 for 2000 Sydney

1. Duncan White in the 14th Summer Olympics in 1948 in London: Silver Medal in Men’s 400m Hurdles
2. Susanthika Jayasinghe in the 27th Summer Olympics in 2000 in Sydney in Women’s 200m