By Shenal FernandoThe Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) is currently considering an increment of tariffs imposed on telecommunication services.Speaking to The Morning Business, a source within the TRCSL disclosed: “Currently we are considering amending the tariff structure imposed on telecommunication services.”The source refused to provide any specifics on the exact increase in tariffs which is being proposed, stating that such details are still being discussed and that “nothing has been confirmed as of yet”.Furthermore, the TRCSL announced yesterday (21) that International Direct Dialing (IDD) call charges have been increased.According to the TRCSL, the decision was made based on the request made by telecommunication service providers in the face of the continuous depreciation of the Sri Lankan rupee against the US dollar (USD).Explaining further, the TRCSL stated that the telecommunication service providers have been empowered to increase the charges on IDD calls in accordance with the USD fluctuations.Since the decision by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) to float the exchange rate on 7 March, the Sri Lankan rupee has depreciated by more than 40% and as of yesterday, several banks were quoting a selling rate of Rs. 285 per USD and a buying rate of Rs. 275 per USD.Currently, the TRCSL is imposing a cess tax of 2.0%, a telecommunication levy of 11.5%, and a value-added tax (VAT) of 9.1% on telecommunication services other than internet services. Moreover, the TRCSL is imposing a cess tax of 2.0% and a VAT of 8.2% on internet services.