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University of Moratuwa Medical Faculty holds its first Inauguration Ceremony

02 Mar 2022

The first-ever inauguration ceremony of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Moratuwa, was held on February 24th, 2022, at the Civil Engineering Auditorium of the University. Vidyajyothi Prof. Janaka de Silva, the Chief Guest, delivered the inaugural lecture of the ceremony. The historic event was witnessed by Prof. N.D Gunawardena, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Moratuwa, Prof Ranil Fernando, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Deans of the other Faculties as well as the academic and non-academic staff. The first and second batches of students, along with their parents, also took part in the event, which was held in accordance with the government's safety regulations. The Moratuwa University welcomed its first intake of medical students in early 2021, establishing its very own medical faculty; however, due to the COVID 19 pandemic situation and safety restrictions, the inauguration ceremony had to be postponed at the time. The first and second intakes comprise 104 and 90 students, respectively. [foogallery id="191671"]

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